Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Day two! A new personal record! And I'm altering the plan slightly as there will be a few pictures here. Taken from my car with my phone.

Allergies are really, really kicking my ass today. My eyes feel like they're on fire. Got some eye drops, maybe it will help.

Near where I live there's this road that has stores, gas stations, chain restaurants and fast food joints littering it. It is, to be nice, an eyesore. One of these lots has a bunch of little random stores, a cell phone place, an MRI clinic of all things, and two gigantic empty buildings. One used to be a Dominick's (that's a grocery store for those of you not from around here) and has been empty for years, they haven't been able to get anyone to buy up the property.

The other was a Wal-Mart. I hate Wal-Mart. But this one was particularly terrible. In the entire time I've lived out here I've gone in there less than five times because it was an abominable pit. I can appreciate what this Wal-Mart did by giving people jobs and a place to shop. Which wasn't really needed in this area but whatever, it gave people a choice. Now it is empty because they moved the location a few miles away to a bigger one. So Wal-Mart came in here, bought up this land and built these hideous buildings over what was essentially big wide open areas, and have now abandoned one area. They still own the property and will probably never sell it because whoever buys it will be competing with them. Don't get me wrong, I'm a consumer. I buy things. Lots of things. Not as much as I'd like but still lots. Mostly from online stores, Amazon for example.

So instead of a nice beautiful landscape, we have yet another gigantic and abandoned building. We came out here to get away from this crap and yet it seems to be happening everywhere now. As I've gotten older I've learned to appreciate certain things more, such as having a gorgeous stretch of natural land. Thanks to these greedy bastards, that's more land lost and replaced with ugly buildings, an ocean of cars, and mindless zombies wandering the store looking for a bargain on tube socks. Instead of wide green fields filled with trees and animals.

There are reasons I really dislike the majority of mankind, and that is one of them.

By the way, check out my other blog. It is filled with nerdy things and proves I like to buy stuff.


Janelle said...

I think you're a closet hippy.

It's ok. I'm one too.

Unknown said...

Maybe. I like technology a lot. Does that stop me from being a hippy?