Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Knock Knock

Who's there?

Obviously not me.

My lack of a reliable camera has obviously put a rather large dent in this. But I am still plugging away.

That picture there is what we like to call a fully stocked party drawer. Is that Fruit Stripe gum? you are no doubt asking. The answer of course is, YOU KNOW IT!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


No picture today as I honestly just forgot. Seriously crazy ass day today. Tomorrow I shall make up for it!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


That there is me peeper! One of 'em at least.

It's a daily battle with my phone camera trying to get it to work. And because I'm currently in a two year contract, I can't upgrade my phone. So it's a waiting game.

Hopefully this thing has stopped being a temperamental bitch.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


I know what you're thinking. You're wondering what the hell that's a picture of. That's five eyebrow hairs I pulled out today because they were TOO LONG. I've gone into phase two of puberty apparently because my god damned eyebrows are growing to insane lengths now. One of them was in my line of sight! Ridiculous eyebrow hair and ear hair. That's my current curse. AWESOME.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Five Card Stud

Chipotle steak fajita burrito... how I missed you. And how I ate you so very quickly today because you were so very good.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Subtle Hustle

My camera is sort of working. Meaning sometimes it works and most times it does not. But I managed to get this shot today while driving. The office park where my work is located has some nice scenery, and I rather enjoy just going around looking at it all. This is on a nice stretch of road, always liked how it looks and smells. Sometimes you can see ducks and geese wandering around too!

Monday, May 24, 2010


My camera is not working. Just gets stuck on loading up the SD card. Until I get this sorted out, things are on hold. Hopefully just a small bump in the road!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Simon's Town

This is a terrible photo, but there were cops all around and I was in my car, ease up! It's a jet. Parked by a building. No idea why.

Seven Nation Army

A beacon in the night. A terrible...terrible...beacon in the night.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sail Away

Bloody hell, I missed Thursday. Completely slipped my mind. In my defense, I've had a lot on my mind.

Anyway, this picture is of my brand new instrument panel. All the gauges work! Now, I can tell how fast I'm going, if I have gas... all that fun stuff. Lots of work done to my car, but all worth it and very needed. It was a kick in the wallet, but such is life.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I've always had a fascination with skies, clouds, and flying. And yet heights and flying scare me.

The important thing people, is that we've had a change for the better in our weather patterns. It was nice today. And I am grateful for this.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

El Tigre

Just give me a bag of all green ones! Is that so much to ask for?!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Electric Worry

I've got some damn hairy hands.

And today I share this quote to you, spoken by his holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama:

When we can recognize and forgive ignorant actions of the past, we gain the strength to constructively solve the problems of the present.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


I woke up to this staring me in the face. I can't wait until I can take that stupid cone off his head.


A picture of my car's dashboard. Tell me if you can spot what's wrong with this picture.

Friday, May 14, 2010


My eyes aren't the same size.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Enterprising Young Men

Filed under: Crap I Inexplicably Own.

Seriously. Why do I own cologne? I got this from an ex-girlfriend a fairly long time ago. As in years. Why do I still own it? I don't ever use it. I'm not really a cologne guy.

I kinda realized over the last few days that I can't compete with a video game for the attention of friends. That either says absolutely nothing good about me or nothing good about my friends. I'm thinking it is somewhere in the middle.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Carry On Wayward Son

This gloomy weather around here has to stop. IT HAS TO STOP! NOW!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Superman's Dead

These trucks have been parked by my house for way too long. I'm worried that they're going to tear up the street or something. I'm really sick of construction. But then, this is Illinois. Our roads are in a perpetual state of construction.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Got Me Wrong

So I started my other job duties today. I froze up at one point. I forgot EVERYTHING about how to use our computer system.

It is most definitely going to be one of those weeks.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Big Bang Baby

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

See those? That's my closet. As part of my new money saving plan, I'm hoping that in a year from now, I can go clothes shopping. But I hate clothes shopping. Why would I want to do it in one year? Because I'm hoping my clothes don't fit me anymore. I've been inspired by a very good friend who just hit that milestone. I think I can do it. I'll be thinner and have more money! Score!

Today is mother's day. My sister and I made breakfast for our mom, my sister made dinner. It was all good. I love my mom and sister very much. Our situation right now is a bit rough, but we'll manage. And I'm glad I can be there for both of them.

Love you, mom!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I'm taking a break from my regularly scheduled post to say this.


NBC is run by a cadre of idiots seemingly set on bringing the network down in flames. The only two good things they've done in recent years is greenlight 30 Rock and Community. 30 Rock has ignited in me a huge crush on Tina Fey, and I hated her on Saturday Night Live. Though in retrospect, it was probably the show I hated.

Community, however, has pulled ahead to be one of the best shows on network TV in a very long time. It has only been one season but it has been a fantastic season, something you'd probably see just as a show is hitting it's stride after a few years, but this is the very first year. The cast and crew is amazing.

The most recent episode, Modern Warfare, had countless homages to action movies from the last three decades and they crammed it into 22 minutes. And they did it very well. They managed to put in a Mother's Day plot that didn't feel forced and advanced two characters in a way I wasn't seeing. No spoilers, just watch it. The episode is up on Hulu. WATCH IT. That animated picture up there is the Mexican Standoff scene the main characters have in a bathroom. No explaining. Watch it. You will not regret it.


Feels wrong. Like I'm drinking out of Iron Man's head.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Head Like A Hole

Holy hell am I tired.

And I spend way, WAY too much time posing this Spider-Man figure.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010



He really probably thought that.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Natural Blues


I call them honk honks. I have no idea why.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Well, Holly, I love you too...

...but there's just so much that I don't know about you.

One thousand one hundred and ninety-six pages. That's how big that catalog is. I had to scour through it for supplies to order. What a pain in the ass. I'm used to people just ordering this stuff for me. Now I have to do it. Lame.

Know what else I have to deal with? Spreadsheets. MORE AND MORE SPREADSHEETS.

Guh. Spreadsheets are starting to seem like a torture device.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bad Moon Rising

The sun has been making the sky look awesome lately.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ain't No Easy Way

Weather has been really nice lately so I've had my window open and I face it when I sleep. Get the good breeze that way. This was the very first sight I had when I woke up this morning. Felt good.

Friday, April 30, 2010

The Fragile

One of the new model Camaros. I want.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Look like hell. Feel like hell. Don't imagine that will change anytime soon.

And judging by that picture up there, I really need to clean out my desk more often.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Interstate Love Song

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Forever For Her (Is Over For Me)

Saying goodbye twice in one week is a terrible thing to do.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Have A Drink On Me

Yeah. Think about it.

I've lost my enthusiasm for this. Unsurprising given what happened last week. Selfish, insecure people taking out their frustration and unhappiness on me really wore me down. Surprising I know. Other than being belittled and accused of things that aren't true, I'm doing great.

But I'm going to keep at it for now. Maybe get past this funk I'm in and stop worrying about what people who are determined to be miserable for the rest of their life think of me. Or one day there just won't be anymore posts here. Only one way to find out!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I spent the better part of Saturday organizing. This is the result of my game organizing, at least part of it. I really need more space. And I'm still torn about how to organize games, by system and alphabetical or alphabetical and not worry about systems. And what if a game's sequel has a different title?! So confusing.

Ah well. At some point I plan on whittling down my Xbox 360 collection and migrating most of it to my Playstation 3. Because my fucking Xbox dies every six months.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Enter Sandman

I'm not a copyright lawyer, although I do play one on the Internet, but this seems slightly illegal.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Lettuce Entertain You

Weird blue flowers that appeared on the lawn seemingly overnight.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mary Jane's Last Dance

I'm tired of screwin'up, tired of going down, tired of myself, tired of this town.

Tom Petty is pretty damn awesome. Weird looking dude, but awesome. Much like Jeff Goldblum.

I came to a realization today, my work life is gradually starting to mix in with my social life. I'm starting to really connect with some of the people there and that's a tremendous thing, since I rarely connect with people, simply by choice. I'm very much a loner, a wanderer at heart. If I had the means, I would travel constantly and never set down roots anywhere. I didn't pick the internet handle of Nomad cause I thought it was cool, it has an actual meaning to me.

But things change, yeah? Sort of been a theme for me the last few weeks I suppose. I'm sick of stagnating and I've taken some really good and important steps lately to stop me from doing just that. I see people who are unhappy in the lives they've settled into and they've grown bitter as they've gotten older and I can easily see that happening to me.

There's a woman at work who's been really pushing me to take a more active role there, be more of a leader. I impressed her at some point with my leadership skills one day when most of the higher ups were at an off site meeting and she thinks I'm a natural for it. She's pointed out to me all the ideas I've come up with lately and how some of the work we do has changed for the better because of them. And she's right, things at work have really picked up for us and we're in a good groove now. She's even telling me to go back to school and pursue writing like I've wanted to. Which I should do. I really do want to.

And hearing all of this from someone who isn't yourself? Well, that can really light a fire under you because someone on the outside has seen these good qualities in you and is encouraging you to pursue them. That's been a tremendous boost to my ego, and I really needed it. I was in a pretty big downward spiral in regards to my self esteem.

So I took another step today at work and spoke with my supervisor for about half an hour about the possibility of me taking on more responsibility at work and getting a promotion and she seemed very open to it. She commented on how energized I am lately and that my morale seems to have really gone up be leaps and bounds this last month. And all of that is true and it excites me. I feel genuinely excited by these potential opportunities. The change in my routine at work has really opened my eyes to different aspects of my life. When I'm at home now, I truly am trying to avoid all of my bad habits, all of the things that used to really get me down and eat away at me. And there's been a few stumbling blocks, this hasn't all been a breeze, but it has been easier than I thought it would be, mostly because I have the desire to change now. I can't just sit on my ass and wait for things to happen because that's how life ends up passing you by, and life has moved very quickly lately. It is time I hitch a ride and see where it takes me.

And that brings me to my picture up above. Taken while driving. Yes, I know it's dangerous but the image just struck me as perfect and I had to act. It is just a picture of the tollway on my way home. But to me it represents something. The open road. No obstacles in front of me, plenty of room to stretch out and try new things. Which is exactly what I am going to do.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

And if there's anything good about me...

...I'm the only one who knows.

In other news, the White Stripes are still awesome. I've sort of rediscovered them today. Some of those songs can bring back such vivid memories and feelings. It was almost a bit overwhelming today. They made me think of places, times in my past, family, friends that are long gone. Needless to say, I was in a bit of a melancholy mood today.

I've reconnected with some old friends recently. And I mean old, like fifth grade old. And naturally, I can't stop thinking of the past now. Looking back, they were some good times. Sure there was bad stuff now and again, but the good definitely outweighs the bad. Compare that to how things are now, and well, it just makes me miss those days that much more.

And I just found out my friend at work lost her mom in the last few days which is super depressing because she was always really smiley and cheerful every time I saw her. I worry about this sort of thing a lot lately. My mom and dad aren't getting any younger. I gave my mom a hug the other day and I dread the day that I give her a final one.


That picture up there? That's me when I was a smart ass teenager. As opposed to the smart ass adult I grew into. That was during the mythical good times I spoke of above. The dude standing next to me is my brother David, the guy next to him is his friend Peter and in front of David is our sister, Patty. David was in the Navy when this picture was taken, he had come back to visit us on leave and he had driven up in a beautiful old Mustang that I eventually talked him into selling to me, which was awesome! But then it had an accident and caught fire before I could take it from him. C'est la vie. At least I got to drive it a few times and that is what sparked my love affair with Mustangs, something that continues to this very day.

Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day. And do yourself a favor. Hug someone you love, because you don't know when they'll be gone.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I Came To Make A BANG!

You know what I love when you're having a pretty good day only to have it go to absolute hell in the matter of minutes with absolutely no idea how it happened. I am getting pretty used to that and it is not so cool. Not cool at all. I'm contemplating yanking my ethernet cord out of my PC and just update this blog from my phone and make that be my only internet usage for six months at least. I'm not at that level yet, but I'm inching ever closer.

That picture up there? Yeah, more things that aren't cool. $3.03 for a gallon of gas? Whee! Gonna be a good summer!

Also, I'm considering switching over to Wordpress as Blogger is a bit lean on what it can do. We shall see.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Man Who Sold The World

Or at least the kid who realized he might be able to. I really look like I'm plotting something here. The other guy there would be my older brother David and the dog is Yenta. I apologize for the quality of these pictures as I took a picture of a Polaroid with my phone. I took a bunch of them, of me as a kid. I'll see what I can do about getting them to look better.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lie To Me

I am no doctor, although I play one on the internet. Gets me lots of girls. But that's for another post. Despite me not being a doctor, even I know that if you were to drink a can of Red Bull that size, your heart would explode. It's a fact.

As an aside, if one's heart were to literally explode, would someone hear it? Could you be talking to someone just after they chugged a can of that stuff and as their heart burst, you could hear it? I think that would be pretty damn scary!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ride A White Horse

That picture up there? That, and the whiny arguments about games as art, are a large part of why gamers have trouble being thought of as mature.

Friday, April 16, 2010

I Can't Dance

SONG OF THE DAY: Eagles of Death Metal - I Like To Move In The Night

That handsome bugger? That there is Fluffy! He was a stray cat but he's mine now! Damn straight you're jealous. He's an awesome cat. Rather high maintenance for a cat, but that's okay. He's my best friend. What's that? You think it's weird my best friend is a cat? Maybe it would be if it was any other cat, but we're talking about Fluffy here.

This picture is a bit of a cheat, it isn't a recent one because right now he isn't the most photogenic critter in the world. He's wearing the cone of shame because he scratched up his face and kept aggravating the wound. Which makes him even more high maintenance, but I don't mind.

I just wanted you to see how adorable he is! And yes, I gave him that name. Deal with it!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pennyroyal Tea

SONG OF THE DAY: Nine Inch Nails - Slipping Away

This is a healthy breakfast right?

Have I mentioned how very glad I am that the coffee changed at work? Because I am.

Anyway, busy day and I'm tired. But I got this up today so my record stands!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Narcissistic Drama Queen

Whiny and emo post ahead. Turn back now if you value your sanity.

This blurry out of focus picture is a toy my buddy Bill gave me. Since I look like a geek he knew I would like it. It's an X-wing toy from a Happy Meal. And to prove I was a geek the first thing I thought when he gave it to me was: This isn't movie accurate, the Taim & Bak KX9 quad laser cannons are missing.

Don't act like you're not impressed. Because, yeah, I'm obviously a real winner...

Today was a mopey day for me. This whole week I've sort of had my head in the clouds, not really able to focus on anything, and just regretting everything. And since I'm being trained on a new job, more on that later as I don't think I've actually told anyone about it yet, it really isn't the right week to get all spazzy and floaty.

It was particularly bad today. I've been pacing around restlessly all day, fluctuating from wanting to be left alone to really wanting someone to talk to. My attention span was a joke, my thoughts kept leaping around to different people and subjects, I couldn't find anything on my iPod that I wanted to listen to, and I really wanted to be anywhere but at my desk. But then, I feel that way a lot. I look around at the people I work with and it just hammers home that I absolutely do not belong there. These are people with educations, families, goals in life. I've worked there five years and I still feel like I'm bluffing my way through everything and I'm dreading the moment my boss comes over and tells me he's realized what a fraud I am.

I realized I barely know anyone there. I probably come across as the single most unfriendly sack of meat these people have ever seen. It isn't that I don't want people to have a good impression of me, it's more that I don't know how to give them one. I have trouble looking people in the eye. I mumble. I sort of just keep my head down and hope no one needs me for anything. Heaven help me if one of the salespeople come over to ask about something because I may actually have to interact with another human being.

In the last few weeks I've taken steps there that I never would have taken before. I've tried to project a friendlier image to people, I volunteered to go along to the next big offsite meeting, I've been trying really hard to seem enthusiastic about work. And I went to my supervisors about an idea on how to change my job duties in a way to lighten my work load since I was essentially the only person covering cases. When you have a lot of salespeople looking to get us business, I can get really swamped and it was obvious I was having trouble keeping up with the new pace of things.

So my supervisors liked my idea and gave me the go ahead to implement it. Now, despite this being done to give me less work, I have managed to give myself more work. I'm now responsible for a team of people, three others to be exact, and I have to delegate and give assignments to them and I have to make sure they're keeping up with their work, as well as keeping up with mine. And on top of that, I'm learning the ropes of another angle of what we do. It is complicated as hell, mostly because our computer system is really fucking archaic. But I'm being trained by Nereida, which is fair I suppose since I trained her a year ago. And I know I'm in good hands since she seems to be pretty good at her job.

Am I happy where I am? No, not really. But I'm content. I really wish I had pursued writing and photography far more aggressively than I did. I really wish I had done more with college. There's a lot about my life I wish I could go back and change, but that just isn't possible. So I need to look ahead and change the course I'm on now. I'm still young enough that it's possible.

And who knows? I may actually get it done this time.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Day two! A new personal record! And I'm altering the plan slightly as there will be a few pictures here. Taken from my car with my phone.

Allergies are really, really kicking my ass today. My eyes feel like they're on fire. Got some eye drops, maybe it will help.

Near where I live there's this road that has stores, gas stations, chain restaurants and fast food joints littering it. It is, to be nice, an eyesore. One of these lots has a bunch of little random stores, a cell phone place, an MRI clinic of all things, and two gigantic empty buildings. One used to be a Dominick's (that's a grocery store for those of you not from around here) and has been empty for years, they haven't been able to get anyone to buy up the property.

The other was a Wal-Mart. I hate Wal-Mart. But this one was particularly terrible. In the entire time I've lived out here I've gone in there less than five times because it was an abominable pit. I can appreciate what this Wal-Mart did by giving people jobs and a place to shop. Which wasn't really needed in this area but whatever, it gave people a choice. Now it is empty because they moved the location a few miles away to a bigger one. So Wal-Mart came in here, bought up this land and built these hideous buildings over what was essentially big wide open areas, and have now abandoned one area. They still own the property and will probably never sell it because whoever buys it will be competing with them. Don't get me wrong, I'm a consumer. I buy things. Lots of things. Not as much as I'd like but still lots. Mostly from online stores, Amazon for example.

So instead of a nice beautiful landscape, we have yet another gigantic and abandoned building. We came out here to get away from this crap and yet it seems to be happening everywhere now. As I've gotten older I've learned to appreciate certain things more, such as having a gorgeous stretch of natural land. Thanks to these greedy bastards, that's more land lost and replaced with ugly buildings, an ocean of cars, and mindless zombies wandering the store looking for a bargain on tube socks. Instead of wide green fields filled with trees and animals.

There are reasons I really dislike the majority of mankind, and that is one of them.

By the way, check out my other blog. It is filled with nerdy things and proves I like to buy stuff.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Don't Call It A Comeback...

...cause it's not. It isn't even the "classic" LL Cool J song. But it is the first of what I hope to be something I stick with. For one year, I will do one post a day. These posts will always include one picture I have taken that day. Sometimes it will also have random thoughts such as this. But this is mostly just to get my ass moving on something I really love doing, taking pictures.

These pictures will almost certainly be very boring and rudimentary to most people looking at this. They will either be taken with my phone (T-Mobile HTC G1) or with a camera. The phone camera will be easiest to use and will probably comprise the majority of pictures here, but sometimes something strikes me and I need to take a good picture of it. Click the picture to embiggen. It is a word now. Trust me. My camera will always be in my backpack, so those of you who know me beware! There is a chance you could wind up in a picture here. Yes that's right, INTERNET FAME!


This first picture is what I see when I get to my desk at work every morning. An empty box of chocolate our department got as a Christmas gift. I just kept the box because I thought it was cool. Our procedures manual! Yes, even after five years, I need to read how to do my job. A stuffed version of the classic Tigger, before he got Disneyfied. He has been slightly modified however. My buddy Terry got that snazzy sombrero for him while away on his honeymoon, and he recently made that awesome bandito mustache. Bandito Tigger. And finally, a stick figure version of me being stabbed in the head and spewing blood everywhere. Fitting that it came from a co-worker.

So enjoy! Tim's Project 365 is now a go. Let's see if I can keep with it, eh?