Monday, April 12, 2010

Don't Call It A Comeback...

...cause it's not. It isn't even the "classic" LL Cool J song. But it is the first of what I hope to be something I stick with. For one year, I will do one post a day. These posts will always include one picture I have taken that day. Sometimes it will also have random thoughts such as this. But this is mostly just to get my ass moving on something I really love doing, taking pictures.

These pictures will almost certainly be very boring and rudimentary to most people looking at this. They will either be taken with my phone (T-Mobile HTC G1) or with a camera. The phone camera will be easiest to use and will probably comprise the majority of pictures here, but sometimes something strikes me and I need to take a good picture of it. Click the picture to embiggen. It is a word now. Trust me. My camera will always be in my backpack, so those of you who know me beware! There is a chance you could wind up in a picture here. Yes that's right, INTERNET FAME!


This first picture is what I see when I get to my desk at work every morning. An empty box of chocolate our department got as a Christmas gift. I just kept the box because I thought it was cool. Our procedures manual! Yes, even after five years, I need to read how to do my job. A stuffed version of the classic Tigger, before he got Disneyfied. He has been slightly modified however. My buddy Terry got that snazzy sombrero for him while away on his honeymoon, and he recently made that awesome bandito mustache. Bandito Tigger. And finally, a stick figure version of me being stabbed in the head and spewing blood everywhere. Fitting that it came from a co-worker.

So enjoy! Tim's Project 365 is now a go. Let's see if I can keep with it, eh?


Janelle said...

Rockin your peers and puttin suckas in fear.

Good luck. I remind you, you remind me. Remember that. (unless you forget)

tarantella said...

Awesome. :) I didn't realize you liked photography so much. So do I...I've been salivating for a D40 or a Rebel or somesuch, but it's nice to see other people starting on their photography stuff without having to have a fancy camera like we probably all want. I think your camera phone is better than mine though. I've been using my Powershot for most stuff. Just took a ton of Botanical Garden pics. In fact, I can get in there for free if you ever feel inclined to take pictures of plants and stuff. But...i'm rambling. Oh right, and this is Marielle.