Saturday, January 22, 2011

End of Line

Boy, I haven't used this thing in a long time. The original intention behind it was well and good, but stopped due to crappy equipment and I got burned out by life. I still have both of those problems, but a desire to write this anyway.

I have a chance to do something different with my career. Which isn't much of a career, more of a job I fell ass backwards into. Lots of people out there are getting laid off, it is a sad fact of the economy. For the longest time I was sure I was safe from that, the department where I work posts record sales numbers. I have learned that I am not safe from that. We were told by the time May rolls around that one of us will be laid off. I have also learned that this is quite possibly the single most stressful thing someone can be told and I am absolutely convinced it will be me. And seeing that I am responsible for taking care of more than just myself, that will prove disastrous. To the point that I don't know how I'd recover from it.

To say that this has been weighing heavily on my mind is something of an understatement. It doesn't help that I really can't talk about it with my family because I don't want them to worry, and the few friends I have tried talking to it about have essentially brushed it aside or shown little interest. I really don't have what could be called a good support group at my disposal. I kinda just have to grin and bear it through any stressful events in my life. That shit ain't easy. But I deal. Sometimes.

Anyway. My company is taking an interest in this social media movement, things like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Granted they're doing it just a little behind everyone else, but that's how my company rolls. I've been selected to go to a meeting on this very subject because even the people I work with know I'm a god damn nerd. I also see there's an open position for a director of all this stuff. So I look at the requirements. As I'm reading the list it occurs to me I have skills with or am familiar with nearly everything they list. Of course they'll need a degree, right? High school practically raped me, so I haven't done much with college. One class counts as not much. But, this posting does NOT require a degree. It is preferred, but it is not required.

Can I lead a group like this? I have no fucking idea. I doubt it. I don't have much in the way of leadership abilities. But can I be a part of a team they put together for this? Abso-fucking-lutely. So I'm going to go this meeting and I am going to be the most outspoken and energetic about something I have EVER been. I need to push everything else out of my mind and just focus on that meeting.

Because right now I need a miracle. This seems like a massive longshot, but I have nothing to lose anymore.


tarantella said...

That sounds like an awesome position for you. Sorry things are so stressful though. Not knowing what's gonna happen with your job is probably one of the most stressful things on earth, and I know you have way more on your shoulders than most people give you credit for. More than most people our age hafta deal with, tbh.

I hope you're wrong about being the one laid off if you do remain in that position, but I also think with your experience and your excitement about the new position they'd be stupid not to take notice and give you a shot. You BELONG in something like that. And I dun' even know you THAT well.

So...good luck. Though you seemed determined to go out there with guns blazing so I think you won't need it.

Unknown said...

I am pretty determined to go with guns blazing everywhere I go now. It's gonna be my new thing. But feel free to wish me luck, I'm gonna need every bit I can get.

Oh and don't tell Patty about this, I really don't want to drop this on them yet.

tarantella said...

No worries. I get that this is your space. Everyone needs something that's their own. And I like your new thing. :)